High School Degree
In the Emiliano Zapata from BUAP
In the Emiliano Zapata from BUAP
From UDLAP university as computer systems engineer
Internship with a videogame organization which taught me a Udemy videogame development course
School project based on JAVA using interactive components such as jlabel, jbutton and jMenu that resembles the game Nonogram
Read moreAdvanced web application made by 4 members for the FEPRO 2022 contest where its main function is to help users organize their grocery list before going to a supermarket
Demo del proyecto ReconocimientoSchool project of a graphical interface developed in JAVA, which allows the consultation and reservation of classrooms within a database using MariaDB through a driver that allows the connection between both languages
Read moreSchool project Video game developed in C#, using a timer to execute the player's movement and integrating a random movement mechanism for enemies
Read moreSchool project Video game developed in C#, which involves the implementation of physics on interactive objects in addition of using a particle system
Read moreSchool project Platform video game developed in C#, where more attractive elements are used such as the use of static/animated sprites, the use of a map and a camera that follows the character
Read moreGame developed in Unreal Engine 5.2 and C++, is a third-person multiplayer shooter which has three game modes: free-for-all, team combat and capture the flag. The implementation was achieved based on a Udemy course that shows the bases for creating a game of this genre. Including the multiplayer feature lag compensation, among others
Read moreSchool project with a simple interface that can make querys and consult the content of each document which handles 10 documents in a folder, which based on a custom dictionary, it retrieves which documents have the best approach to that query by using a representation of both query and document as vectors and determining their similarity by using the euclidean distance
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